Monday, September 2, 2013

Square Circle Skirt

Sewing for my only daughter has been something I have dreamed of doing since she was a toddler, but somehow (insert 3 more kids!) I've never found the time. So when I stumbled across a tutorial for this skirt on Pinterest which was supposedly so easy it would literally take just minutes to make, well needless to say I couldn't resist. So I ordered some pretty fabric and patiently waited until it arrived, and today while the baby had his morning nap I finally found the time.  

Now, I should add a little disclaimer that I am a bit of a novice seamstress. I have made a few quilts and blankets, but only a couple of things in the way of clothing, so this was definitely out of my comfort zone!  My favorite part was that the cutting was so simple. Cutting patterns is always what I dread most about sewing because once you've made a wrong cut, you can't undo it! But this skirt was as easy as cutting two squares with a circle cutout in the center. The trickiest part for me was working with the elastic. I coulda used a third hand to stretch the elastic, keep it from pulling on my machine's needle, and guide the fabric so I would sew a straight line. But, since two hands are all I've got I made do.  Two broken needles and a bunch of wasted thread later I did figure it out :)

 And K loved it. She said it was the most comfy skirt ever, and "Mom, the best part is, it doesn't have any scratchy tags!" I loved it because the knit was so easy to work with - no need to hem!
 And the way it flows when she twirls . . . well isn't that just any little girl's favorite part of a skirt? 

With fall coming up, I think it will look just as cute with a pair of tights.  Hmm, maybe I'll have to try making one for myself as well...
So even though it ended up taking me longer than a few minutes (try an hour!) I think now that I've figured out how to work the machine with the elastic I could make another with a quicker turnaround time.  And it is so fun so see her running across the yard in her beautiful, carefree way wearing something special that I made just for her.

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